Carte Blanche

Cyberbullying: What you should know

11 August 2019
Here are some practical steps to take to protect yourself and loved ones when faced with the trauma of cyberbullying.

Cyberbullies are wreaking havoc on the internet, leaving their victims often feeling powerless and desperate. Here are some valuable pointers on how you can protect yourself and your loved ones.

Quick Tips:

โ€ขย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Check your privacy settings: they are there to help you manage your online experience in a positive way.

โ€ขย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Disable unwanted location services: you donโ€™t really want the world to know where you live or play.

โ€ขย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Think before you post: you can never permanently erase something that has been published on the internet.


Bullying Tactics:

Doxing: to exact revenge, threaten or destroy the privacy of individuals by making their personal information public, including home address, phone numbers, links to social media accounts & other private data.

Creating a webpage, posting comments, rumours, photos etc. about someone online that are mean, hurtful or embarrassing.

Threatening to hurt someone or telling them to kill themselves.

How to Handle Bullying:

Donโ€™t respond or encourage: More often than not what your bully is looking for is some reaction from you. If you donโ€™t give them any, itโ€™s likely theyโ€™ll leave you alone.

Donโ€™t retaliate: If you retaliate, you are becoming a bully yourself! Remember, you only have control over how you react.

Save any evidence: The one upside about cyberbullying is that it happens through technology, which means you can keep the evidence. If someone is sending you mean messages, screenshot them. You can retain them as proof!

Talk to a trusted adult: You deserve backup. Adults are the best people to do that. If you experience bullying, talk to a parent! If youโ€™re not able to do that, talk to an adult at school, counsellors will know how to handle your situation. Schools usually have a way you can anonymously report bullying if youโ€™re scared of people knowing you talked to someone.


Educate Yourself:

The best way to stop cyberbullying is to recognize it when it starts. Educate yourself and your friends! Learn what cyberbullying is and how you can help others who are dealing with it.

Stay safe online: Make sure you are the only one who has access to your passwords. Yes, even your best friend shouldnโ€™t know them! Make sure you log out of public computers as well. Be careful what you post, if it goes on the internet, itโ€™s accessible in some form forever, even if you think itโ€™s deleted!

Finally, donโ€™t open messages or emails if you donโ€™t know the person who sent them. They could be inappropriate messages or even computer viruses!


Written by Craig Rosewarne (Managing Director, Wolfpack Information Risk (Pty) Ltd) ย ย ย ย ย ย ย 


>>READ:ย Cyberbullying: The cause and effect and tips to deal with itย